Anatomy and physiology study - Tips for Success exams
Anatomy and physiology of the study can be very difficult. Once the dreaded end of year exams draw closer students begin to feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to review.
For most, this difficult subject is divided into 12 body systems;
Cells and tissues
Muscular System
Skeletal System
Conditions, functions, diseases, disorders, definitions .... These are examples of the kinds of things that students need to cover each of these body systems. Therefore, it is understandable how students become so overwhelmed. That said, to your anatomy and physiology exams is certainly not impossible.
Some tips that I recommend you follow understand;
1. Having a bank of questions that you can use throughout your studies. The best format to use for your question revision multiple choice. The idea would be to take a number of questions every day, about 30, and learn. After about 3 or 4 days Test yourself on what you have learned. This is a great way to see what questions you need to learn again.
2. Anatomy and physiology quizzes and puzzles are a great way to learn this difficult subject. They are very nice too! Examples of best include crossword puzzles and true / false questions. Your knowledge of body systems will definitely improve if you repeat these puzzles over and over again. You should aim to complete the puzzle without using your notes.
3. Have a plan organized revision typed. Plan exactly what business you are reviewing and when. Once you have a structured plan in place, you will be able to see what work you need to cover. Type out your map, print it and put it on the wall in front of your desktop.
There is a lot of work involved in the study of anatomy and physiology, but try not to panic too. Once you have a structured plan and a good study guide, you will pass your exams that will not be impossible ....
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