The Brief History of Human Anatomy & Physiology & how important it is for us
The study of human anatomy and physiology has evolved over the years with major advances in research and technology. The average person just seems to slide down to accept a new medical advances, when and if necessary. For example, you just discovered that you have high blood pressure. Not a big deal if its control.
You leave the doctor's office with a prescription and go about your business. What would happen if if the drugs in blood pressure was not available, or worse, if there was no any technology able to determine what your blood pressure was. We all know that high blood pressure, if not treated can lead to stroke or death. This is just one example. Let's take a look at other great advances in the study of anatomy and physiology and see what dangers he saved us and what are the benefits we receive from him today.
How would you feel if you went to your doctor's office and as you examine He pressed his ear against the chest? No doubt you would be mortified, and the doctor would likely face sex charges. Well, you can thank the invention of the stethoscope to save you from the inconvenience. The method I have described, was at one time the only way a doctor can hear a heart patient.
To say the least, it was not the most effective method, but it was better than nothing. The difficulty with this method was among those who were obese. The beating heart could not be detected through the layers of fat. This is the problem that prompted a very innovative doctor by the name of Dr. Laennec discovering the stethoscope. Of course, it has been modernized over the years, but it is one of the diagnostic tools most reliable available today. If it was not for this instrument, many cardiac arrhythmias that people suffering go unnoticed. All credit goes to the study of human anatomy and physiology.
As we mentioned earlier, to be able to know what a person's blood pressure can help save their lives. When you go to your doctor, and he puts the cuff around your arm that fills pressure when you think arm will drop, is called a sphygmomanometer, commonly known as a blood pressure monitor. What is blood pressure is simply the force that blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels. Again, the true stethoscope proved to be an instrument of rescue, when Dr. Korotkoff developed a technique to listen to the sound of the blood flow of the artery with the stethoscope. It led to a way of becoming an extremely accurate method of measuring blood pressure.
The next time you pay a visit to your family doctor for your annual report, take the time to observe all the instruments he used during his examination of you. Then think about what would happen if something goes wrong in the area where he was to examine you, and it could not be detected. When I realized this little exercise for my annual physical I realized how lucky I was and ½ hour wait to see the doctor does not seem to be such a problem after all. In addition, I had a whole new respect for the study of human anatomy and physiology .......
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